Transitioning as a Class and Incorporating GLOBE

Through our discussion of the Geneseo Learning Outcomes for Baccalaureate Education (GLOBE) while all the outcomes are important, our group emphasized the importance of “Leadership and Collaboration” and “Diversity and Pluralism” during our construction of the collaborative course statement. As stated in the learning outcomes, Leadership and Collaboration involves engaging others in collaborative solutions with group members while working fairly and respectfully (GLOBE). Throughout each step of the group discussion that pertained to the collaborative course statement, there was a very obvious transition that exemplified that the students began to collaborate with ease. In the beginning, there was some difficulty in finding a balance in the conversation and I personally struggled trying to state my opinion while also taking others opinions into accounts. The more we worked together as a collective group, the easier it was to find a proper flow in the conversation which allowed for each individual’s opinion to be heard. An important aspect of collaboration is considering and responding to other’s diverse viewpoints which intertwines with the learning outcome of diversity and pluralism which states “recognizing and respecting diverse identities, beliefs, backgrounds, and life choices; to practice effective communication and collaboration across diverse communities and organizations” is an essential outcome expected from the Geneseo education (GLOBE). I believe that in order to effectively collaborate, both in and outside the classroom, respecting other’s viewpoints due to each individual’s unique background and experiences is necessary.

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