We All Straddle in Some Way, Shape, or Form

After participating in the activity we did in class today, it give me a visual of what straddling really is. As mentioned in class, all of us took on the activity in a different way. Some of us were born naturally with longer legs, making it a little easier to straddle the two lines, whereas, others struggled more since they were born with shorter legs. Unfortunately, we cannot choose how short or how long our legs are, giving us all a different experience. Others focused too much on how they appeared to others, making it more difficult and others embraced how ridiculous it looked, making it easier. When there was an obstacle put in our way, some of us just stopped, some of us went right around it and continued straddling which shows how differently everybody handles straddling these two worlds. At the end of the day, I believe that we are all straddling and trying to balance these two worlds regardless of what they might be. Continue reading “We All Straddle in Some Way, Shape, or Form”