Cluttered Desktop, Multiple Tabs

I’ve long gotten used to how much nonsense (educational or otherwise) takes over my laptop and seeing around a dozen tabs often looks no different than my unmade bed these days. In other ways, I’m also reminded of the cluttered moving chairs in class and my mixed feelings toward them.

Is this post literally gonna be about chairs? Well…

I certainly find a great deal of freedom with wheels, enabling me to move. The size of the desk feels underwhelming. Then soon enough I’m looking through my notebook for more examples to fulfill a blog post and then I’m revisiting The People’s Century – 1933 Master Race (this part in case one has forgotten since then). This was the same time we viewed the piece on the Jim Crow Museum, and to follow that with this particular video certainly brought about an obvious unpleasantness for me. One particular line that I felt compelled to write down was “A sea of swastikas” along with the growing unemployment rates in Germany shortly before the dictatorship occurred. The very top line on my page was a consideration in writing about revanchism or eliminationism. When considering the views and ideals of those under power at the time – or even those who promoted and embraced the questionable material in the Jim Crow video, I’m wondering how some of those people may have viewed themselves. Were they making some effort in reclaiming some form of history, power, or reputation? Or were their ideals simply in heavy opposition towards others, and they responded with horrible decisions and outcomes.

I suppose – what I’m trying to say is, am I trying to reclaim a sense of solidarity, memory, or control with keeping track with all these tabs? Seeing them grow and grow and me being unable to put forth enough attention towards all of them without going a little haywire? Or am I just afraid of what would happen if I were to close a few of those tabs? Well, to return to seriousness here – How many groups of people considered themselves revanchists or eliminationists? Do some people even realize the nature of their intentions and understand the consequences? Do certain people from Jemison’s work also carry a little parallel with the aforementioned subjects? Am I really trying to keep track with all these tabs, or am I just losing track of the whole point about using bookmarks or really considering if some of these things should stay open or not? Am I just trying to recover some aspect of power by maintaining these things, despite how crowding they are turning into, along with what sprawling amounts of attention I can provide? How many question marks can I put out? Regardless, is this kind of parallel a thing to notice before any kind of haywire happens? Are there any examples to support this?

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