Art Saves College Students’ Lives

During the Fall semester,  Professor McCoy passed out a flier for this class, The Art of Steve Prince. Even though I was interested in taking the course, especially a course that was so heavily driven with the focus on artwork, I didn’t have the time to fit it in my schedule. I was disappointed, however, I figured that there would be another opportunity to take a similar class in the future.

Things didn’t play out how I had wanted them to, so I found the time to take this class. I was thrilled to get into this class because I had not been able to find classes at Geneseo that are centered around art. The lack of art in my life has definitely hurt my soul a little.

When I think about the learning outcomes and the epigraph, I want to learn. They make me thirsty for more knowledge. My favorite type of learning is when I engage in a conversation with someone that studies a completely different set of skills than I do. I learn a lot of useless (but never really useless) information through conversations, which I usually remember and use at a later date.


What I want from this class is to be able to keep other disciplines in mind while viewing or making artwork. I think this skill is a learned skill which has to be practiced and this class helps with the practicing. I was heavily involved with various mediums of art in high school including charcoal, pastels, watercolors, pottery, and photography. And as I get older, I realize when I view or critique artwork, sometimes I don’t understand the full meaning behind the artwork and that takes away from the experience of appreciating artwork. I also want to engage in many different conversations with people with different disciplines than me, because I think this is one of the best ways to learn outside of your discipline.

What I want to give this class is to offer my knowledge from my other disciplines such as my past experiences working on and critiquing art. However, in this class, I have a feeling there are a lot of people that have artistic past experiences and it is interesting to engage in conversations with fellow artists. I also want to be able to offer other insights on things we do in class, my sociology minor might come in handy because there are a lot of meanings behind art having to do with social issues as well as economic and political issues- which I don’t have prior experience with but I’m sure others in the class do.

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