Butler: Emphasizing the “Afro” in Afrofuturism

Standard conceptualizations of Afrofuturism tend to focus heavily on the technological aspect of futurity, particularly as seen in Black Panther, with their tech developments, and even in Space is the Place, which foregrounds extraterrestrial exploration. In Parable of the Sower, however Octavia Butler presents an alternative approach to Afrofuturism that seems to prioritize the “Afro” aspect more heavily than a sci-fi based tech world. Although a dystopian science fiction, Parable of the Sower seem to examine more intensely the religious and communal structures within black culture that might contribute to an specifically black vision of the future: Continue reading “Butler: Emphasizing the “Afro” in Afrofuturism”

“Non-Zero Probabilities” and the Afrofuturistic

The piece by Jemisin was a great read that even though it was about someone just going about their life in a “more” luck effected city, it made me want more. With that said, this piece, in my opinion, is not overtly Afrofuturistic, and the sci-fi influence is even in question by the protagonist, Adele. Continue reading ““Non-Zero Probabilities” and the Afrofuturistic”

Philosophical Razors and the Instability of the Stillness

Life in the Stillness is plagued by uncertainty. When the Earth itself is unstable, so is everything built upon it, including knowledge. The incomprehensibility of various “deadciv artifacts” mentioned throughout the text, most notably the obelisks, renders it quite clear that much human ingenuity and understanding have been lost through the ages in Jemisin’s world. However, there is one universal text which seems to endure, guiding humanity season through season: the stonelore. A ubiquitous doctrine, the stonelore seems so completely integrated into the structure of Stillness society that it would collapse were it removed. Yet certain characters, particularly Syenite, are at points made to question this venerated collection of documents–both its completeness and its validity Continue reading “Philosophical Razors and the Instability of the Stillness”

Repetition in Black and White Cultures

In James Snead, “Black Literature and Literary Theory” he goes in to talking about Black and European cultures. Specifically the meaning of repetition and circulation and how that contributes to the two different cultures. On page 67, the second paragraph, Snead explains how in black culture repetition gives a sense of equilibrium or state of mind. On the other hand European culture, repetition can not be shown everything must seem like a progression even when it is not. I agree completely with this statement and to add on you can see this even now in today’s society in American culture as a whole. In African American culture we often love to incorporate history  in our music and arts. As a way to never forget where our ancestors and people before us came from. In a way this gives us a state of mind.To remember we got this far from the struggles we face before. Continuing to give this cycle of remembrance brings a sense of pride and faith to the black culture. However with European culture I feel like it’s the exact opposite. You can noticeably see this in American politics as well. On media politicians like to sell themselves as being able to make progression happen in America. Politicians make it seem like America is at a standstill, America needs help and it needs a goal and they can help achieve it. This sort of need for progression and goal reaching is what people from western civilization want. Many do not take a step back and look at the things America has overcome as whole.

Liberia? Melvin Tolson


No side-show barker’s bio-accident,

No corpse of a soul’s errand

To the Dark Continent:

You are

The lightning rod of Europe, Canaan’s key,

The rope across the abyss,

Mehr licht for the Africa-To-be!”-Melvin Tolson, “Do”


Liberia and Africa as a whole from the western perspective is often seen as impoverished a and dying land. Tolson uses a different perspective when talking about Liberia. In his poem “Do” he starts each stanza with “Liberia?” and he starts off with the negative connotations of Liberia then as a rebuttal says what he sees Liberia as. To him, Liberia is what lights up Europe, in a way Liberia is what makes Europe Europe. Without Africa how would Europe be now in today’s society? This stanza reminds me a lot about activism. To me, activism is about going against something or defending your belief. Tolson throughout this poem defends his beliefs about Liberia. In a way, this can also connect back to Afrofuturism. Afrofuturism can deal will the progressive nature of African culture specifically Liberia’s culture. Afrofuturism can be about accepting and taking pride in your culture. Especially since African people are usually forced to assimilate into European culture.

A poem of Tolson’s I had difficulty understanding was “Mi”. Throughout the poem he repeatedly uses the phrase “Future Afrique” I tried to research the term but nothing seemed to define what it meant. However, if you were to split future Afrique it kind of sounds like future Africa. Which can also relate to our topic of Afrofuturism.


How has Hegel contributed to the stereotypes of Africans?

Uniqua Jones                                    Afrofuturism


“Religion begins with the consciousness that there is something higher than man. But even Herodotus called the Negroes sorcerer’s:- now in sorcery we have not the idea of a god, of a moral faith..”-Hegel


Religion to many is to have faith and belief in a higher power. It is to be fully devoted to a way of life. History has shown that religion can bring together people but also destroy relationships from anything to family relationships or friendships. In this excerpt, Hegel has used religion to his advantage to create this image of Africans as savages with no structure in their lives or communities as a whole. Hegel’s ignorance about the different cultures in Africa lumps Africans all in one group. Hegel then goes on to say Africans don’t have religion and because of this, they are sorcerers.

   Many people who do not follow a particular religion or do not believe in a higher power at all are often looked down upon, this was particularly prevalent in the past. Hegel contributes to the western views and ideology that all people in Africa need help. That Africans are not civilized, have no structure because they have no religion. He then goes on to invoke fear into people by calling Africans sorcerer. “Sorcerers”, people who deal with magic or witchcraft are feared because it is a practice many people are ignorant about. As a result, people reading what Hegel is saying often start to believe what he is saying because they are ignorant. This contributes to the negative mindset associated with Africans.


Excerpt from Tolson

Towards the end of the poem Liberetto starts beginning his sentences with “The Parliament of the African peoples…”, a strong ending to an entirely powerful piece; this statemential suffix was used to describe different parts of black government and culture. Although this may sound strange but as an African American person I don’t actively think about that culture that I follow or how much it effects life around me, especially in government. After reading that ending I realized how much of heavily black ideas are integrated into not only our culture but also our politics. The entire black identity seems to be based around this idea of freedom as a result: freedom from slavery, freedom to be oneself, and freedom of knowledge.

Essun’s Strength in Murder

Essun shows incredible strength throughout the book, persevering through periods of enslavement and great personal loss, including when she forces herself to murder her own son to save him from a life of captivity and servitude. I think my opinion of Essun (or as she is called at the time, Syenite’s) killing of Corundum is likely to be controversial. I do not think Essun is a “bad person” for killing her son: I think she is extraordinarily brave and strong for this act. Essun knows that if Corundum is captured by the Guardians, they will turn him into a node maintainer who is permanently sedated and tortured by the Fulcrum, and bound to a wire chair for the rest of his life. She will not allow this life for her son, and thinks, “She will not let them take him, enslave him, turn his body into a tool and his mind into a weapon and his life into a travesty of freedom” (Jemisin 441). Essun then unleashes all of her power to shatter the world, in turn killing her son, as she believes “Better that a child never have lived at all than live as a slave. Better that he die. Better that she die. Alabaster will hate her for this, for leaving him alone, but Alabaster is not here, and survival is not the same thing as living” (441). Essun understands that there is a fate worse than death, and enslavement by the Fulcrum falls under this category. Her decision to kill her son is out of love for Corundum, who she knows is better off dead than having his mind and body enslaved for his whole life. While most see maternal instinct as caring for and showering children with affection, Essun’s maternal instinct in this dire situation leads her to do the right thing for her son. Continue reading “Essun’s Strength in Murder”