Oppression and Empowerment – Past and Future of “Dirty Computer”

While there is so much to unpack when discussing Janelle Monáe’s Dirty Computer,” I find it really incredible how much of a different experience it is to solely listen to the track vs. watching the emotion picture as well. The emotion picture gives off a picture of a very oppressive nature throughout the majority of it that those who do not fit into the specific box of what is “norm” in the US experience. Meanwhile, while the specific songs mention the impacts of this oppressive environment, they are all extremely empowering and give off a powerful tone of reclamation. Continue reading “Oppression and Empowerment – Past and Future of “Dirty Computer””

Double-Consciousness of the Overseer in “Space is the Place”

As we discussed, the concept of “double-consciousness” refers to the sense of “two-ness” that comes out of a complex identity that often has features that seemingly contradict or integrate in an intersectional manner. In “Space is the Place” Sun Ra and other Black individuals not only are victim to white racist power, but also to black-on-black violence and exploitation as well – seen through the exchanges with character of the Overseer. Continue reading “Double-Consciousness of the Overseer in “Space is the Place””

Netflix’s Black Mirror: “Black Museum”

As this episode progresses you can really see the way that the futurism of Black Mirror in general coupled with the episodes use of neurotechnology, works to represent the way our society enslave and dehumanize people of color.  The episode opens up with a girl named Nish, who we later find out is there to get vengeance for her father – a convicted murderer – who was tricked by the museum owner (Rolo Haynes) into giving up his digital consciousness post-execution in exchange for money for his family. Continue reading “Netflix’s Black Mirror: “Black Museum””

Line 72 Analysis

Line 72 really intrigued me so I decided to look into it a bit more.”Wanawake kwanzaa ovyo! Kazi menu wazungu!” which generally translates to “The women keep having children! It’s the work of you white men!” This quote heavily comments on the brutally one-sided nature of the slave trade and rape of black women by white men. The quote really made me think more largely about the history and modern reality within the hyper-sexualization of black women. Black/African women have been branded as sexually deviant beings in terms of their relationships and interactions with Euro-hegemonic forces throughout history. The way that dominant groups in our history and society today have misrepresented women of color has led to a either a silencing of the topic of sexuality when it comes to black women or a conversation that places these groups as innately savage sexual beings. This places black women in a double bind that erases the histories of institutionalized rape that is referred to in the poem, as well as creates a dominant ideology of a racist/sexist stereotype that follows black women and the discussions of black sexuality, desire and gender relations.